• Published :July 01, 2019
  • Client :Shop Restoreher
  • Website :https://shoprestoreher.com/
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Ikra Ikbal is an ecommerce entrepreneur running an online store on the Shopify platform called Cscinvitational. She approached SEOvate to improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of her Shopify store and increase organic traffic, visibility, and conversions. The initial challenge was low organic rankings, limited visibility, and underperforming product pages.

Problem Statement

Ikra Ikbal faced the following problems with her Shopify store:

Low organic rankings: The store struggled to rank high in search engine results, resulting in limited organic traffic and visibility.

Limited visibility: The store was not appearing prominently in search engine results for relevant keywords, hindering its ability to attract potential customers.

Underperforming product pages: Some product pages were not optimized for SEO, leading to low conversions and missed sales opportunities.

SEOvate's Approach

SEOvate implemented a strategic approach to address the client’s challenges and objectives. The agency’s approach included the following steps:

Store audit: Conducted a comprehensive audit of the Shopify store to identify SEO issues, technical errors, and areas for improvement.

Keyword research: Performed extensive keyword research to identify relevant and high-ranking keywords in the ecommerce industry.

On-page optimization: Optimized product pages, meta tags, URLs, and other on-page elements to improve search engine visibility and rankings.

Technical SEO enhancements: Implemented technical SEO strategies, such as improving site speed, optimizing mobile responsiveness, and resolving crawlability issues.

Content optimization: Rewrote and optimized product descriptions, titles, and headings to align with target keywords and improve relevance.

Collaboration and feedback: Engaged in regular collaboration with the client, incorporating her feedback and suggestions to align with her goals and brand vision.

SEOvate's Solution

SEOvate implemented the following solutions to address the client’s problem:

On-page optimization: Optimized product pages by incorporating target keywords, improving meta tags, URLs, and headings to enhance relevance and visibility in search engine results.

Technical SEO enhancements: Implemented technical improvements to enhance site speed, mobile responsiveness, and overall crawlability, improving search engine rankings and user experience.

Content optimization: Rewrote and optimized product descriptions, titles, and headings to align with target keywords, enhance relevance, and improve click-through rates.

Structured data implementation: Integrated structured data markup, such as schema.org, to provide search engines with additional information about the products, leading to enhanced visibility in search results.

User experience improvements: Enhanced the overall user experience of the Shopify store, focusing on navigation, site speed, and mobile responsiveness to encourage engagement and conversions.

SEOvate's Implementation

The implementation of the solutions followed a step-by-step process:

Store audit: SEOvate conducted a comprehensive audit of the client’s Shopify store, identifying SEO issues and areas for improvement.

Keyword research: Extensive keyword research was performed to identify relevant and high-ranking keywords in the ecommerce industry.

On-page optimization: Product pages, meta tags, URLs, and headings were optimized to improve search engine visibility and rankings.

Technical SEO enhancements: Technical improvements were made to the store, including site speed optimization, mobile responsiveness, and resolving crawlability issues.

Content optimization: Product descriptions, titles, and headings were rewritten and optimized to align with target keywords and enhance relevance.

Collaboration and feedback: SEOvate maintained regular communication with the client, incorporating her feedback and suggestions into the implementation process.

Final Results

The implementation of SEOvate’s solutions yielded the following outcomes:

Improved organic rankings: The Shopify store achieved higher rankings in search engine results for target keywords, resulting in increased visibility and organic traffic.

Increased organic traffic: The store experienced a significant boost in organic traffic due to improved search engine rankings and visibility.

Enhanced user experience: The implemented technical SEO enhancements and user experience improvements resulted in improved site speed, mobile responsiveness, and overall user satisfaction.

Higher conversions: The optimized product pages and enhanced user experience contributed to increased conversions and sales through the Shopify store.

Testimonial from Ikra Ikbal

SEOvate’s Shopify SEO services have transformed my online store. The increase in organic traffic, visibility, and conversions has exceeded my expectations. Their expertise in Shopify SEO and attention to detail have made a remarkable impact on my business. I highly recommend SEOvate for anyone seeking to improve their Shopify store’s performance

Lessons We Learned

Through the collaboration with Ikra Ikbal, SEOvate gained valuable insights:

Comprehensive store audit: Conducting a thorough audit of the Shopify store helps identify SEO issues and areas for improvement.

Keyword research and optimization: Thorough keyword research and strategic optimization within on-page elements enhance search engine visibility and organic traffic.

Technical SEO and user experience: Implementing technical SEO enhancements and user experience improvements contribute to improved search engine rankings and user satisfaction.


The collaboration between Ikra Ikbal and SEOvate resulted in significant improvements in the SEO performance, visibility, and conversions of her Shopify store, Cscinvitational. By implementing effective Shopify SEO strategies, SEOvate successfully enhanced the client’s online presence, organic traffic, and revenue generation. The project’s success highlights the benefits of SEOvate’s services in optimizing Shopify stores for search engine rankings and improving overall business performance.

Contact SEOvate to optimize your Shopify store for improved SEO performance and increased organic traffic.